a message from our CEO.
James Rigby
We’re committed to being a responsible business that puts our planet, people, prosperity, and principles at the heart of what we do to support our colleagues, customers, and communities.
We know technology can have a massive impact on helping to make the world a more sustainable place.
And, as a family-owned company, we want to help our planet thrive for generations to come.
That's why we've brought forward our net zero target to 2040 and put a firm focus on offering products, services, and solutions that put sustainability front and centre.
Our environmental, social and governance (ESG) plans have three key aims:
Reduce our environmental impact to the lowest possible level.
Invest in, and support, our people and communities.
Hold our ethics up to scrutiny and always do the right thing.
Our commitment to support the ten principles of the United Nations Global Compact continues, and we'll complete our first EcoVadis sustainability assessment during FY24.
We’ll keep challenging ourselves around our environmental commitments, build on our university partnerships to promote sustainable innovation and digital inclusion, and continue to give back.
Here’s what we've delivered over the past 18 months, and details of the services and solutions we offer that can help you achieve your sustainability goals.