AI Powered Virtual Assistant and Automation can improve the employee experience and save time for your entire workforce.
The time your staff struggles to find information in a maze of HR-related sources is time wasted. Your managers and employees need to access a variety of HR apps, using different channels, causing frustration and a major time drain, resulting in HR professionals repeatedly losing valuable time responding to simple questions.
To improve employee experience and drive efficiency, IBM® watsonx™Assistant uses best-in-class natural language understanding (NLU) to provide easy access to HR policies and automate often-requested tasks. IBM® watsonx™ Assistant’s conversational AI can be quickly configured to learn about your business and integrate with your technology solutions. This unified HR support experience reduces employee frustration, improves employee engagement and cuts the operational burden on your HR professionals, so they focus on the human aspect of Human Resources.
While the productivity gains are clear, it’s also imperative for this transition to be managed in an ethical and socially responsible fashion - mitigating any negative impacts on the workforce. By proactively reskilling employees and adapting business processes, organisations can stay ahead of the curve and prepare for an automation-focused future.